From Jacob Agardh   4 May 1890

Lund, Schweden 4 Maj 1890

Hochgeehrter Herr Baron!

Vor etwa 6 Wochen sandte ich Ihnen eine neue Bearbeitung der Sargassen von Australien, welche, als ein Specialwerk für Australische Algen, ich hoffe Ihnen richtig zugekommen seyn wird. Heute sende ich Ihnen eine kleine, aber ausgesuchte Samlung von Seltenheiten (in besond. Packet); die ich in den mir letztens zugesandten Algen-Samlungen angetroffen habe. Es sind besonders Algen aus der Champion-bay von Spalding, und Dr Elliot, aus Geographe bay von Mrs Irvine gesammelt, so wie eine möglichst vollständige Samlung der mir zugesandten Neu Zealand Algen, die ich genauer zu untersuchen Gelegenheit gefunden habe. Sie werden sich vielleicht erinnern dass jene Samlung von Spalding, als zwischen papierblätter ganz zusammen geklebte Algenmassen enthaltend, beynahe als verdorbenes Material bezeichnet wurden; aber mit aufopferung der mehr gemeinen Sachen (Plocamium etc) habe ich mehrere neue Algenformen darunter gefunden, von denen ich heute Exemplare, und sogar gut praeparirte, sende. Es scheint dass die Localität (Champion bay) an neue und interessante Algen besonders reich wäre. Auch die Localität von Mrs Irvine (Theil von Geographe bay) mögte vielleicht, wenn genauer durchgesucht, noch andere Seltenheiten geben. Unter den Ihnen jetzt zugesandten Exemplaren werden Sie finden die wahrscheinlich äusserst seltene Amansia mamillaris, welche von Lamouroux schon beschrieben, so viel ich weiss nachher nie wiedergefunden wurde. Es war leider davon nur ein einziges exemplar, welches ich wenig theilen wollte. Auch die wahrscheinlich sehr seltene Lenormandia latifolia fand sich in gute Exemplare unter den Algen von Spalding. Sie wurde in Nereis australis von Harvey beschrieben, aber nachher, wie es scheint, nicht wieder gefunden, wurde sie in Phycol. australis kaum erwähnt, wenn nicht als eine breite Form von L. spectabilis; obgleich ganz gewiss eine verschiedene pflanze. Eine neue andere Lenormandia, welche wie eine Delesseria aussieht (L. hypoglossum), eine neue Vidalia (V. intermedia) eine neue Curdiea (C. Irvineae), die alte Rhodophyllis nitophylloides, aber mit Kapsel frucht, welche eine besond. Gattung bezeichnet, eine neue Polyzonia aus N. Zealand. Ich mögte gern wissen dass diese Sendung Ihnen richtig zugekommen sey. Ich erinnere mir nicht ob ich Ihnen provisional Verzeichnisse der letzten oben genannten Samlungen zugeschickt habe. Demnach folgen solche heute mit.

Von den letztens zusammen gebrachten Doubl.1 habe ich eine neue kleine distribution von Algae Muellerianae an Kew, Dublin, Bornet in Paris, und andern vertheilt.

Mit den besten Wunschen zeichnet Ihr ergebenster

J G Agardh.


Algae ex Geographe-bay, a Mrs Irvine collectae, sub prima aestate 1889 Lundam advectae

[Algae from Geographe Bay2 collected by Mrs Irvine, brought to Lund at the beginning of summer 1889].










Platythalia Quercifolia

Cladosteph.3 verticillatus australis

Zonaria Sinclairii

Ballia callitricha

Ptilota coralloidea

Gigartina disticha

Callophyllis coccinea






coccineum forma.

Phacelocarpus Labillardieri


Curdiea Irvinea nov. sp.4

Gracilaria furcellata?

Stenocladia Sonderiana

Nitophyllum (fragm.)

Pterocladia lucida

Gelidium patens J. Ag.5

Hypnea episcopalis

Laurencia heterocladae forma?

[form of Laurencia heteroclada?]



Rhodomelae forma?

[form of Rhodomela?]

Trigenea australis

Polyzonia incisa

Sarcomenia Delesserioides

Lenormandia hypoglossum nov. sp.6

Corallina Cuvieri

Amphiroa charoides

Mastophora Lamourouxii


Algae ex Champion bay a H A Spalding missae

[Algae sent by H. A. Spalding from Champion Bay7].

Cladophora sp.

Cystophora monilifera

Ecklonia radiata

Halyseris8 sp. (H. Muelleri?)

Myriodesma latifolium.

Sargassum fallax



Acropeltis phyllophora

Plocamium preissianum


Rhabdonia globifera

Hymenocladia lanceolata

Thysanocladia oppositifolia


Rhodophyllis blepharicarpa


Kützingia canaliculata


Polyzonia incisa

Polysiphonia cancellata

Lenormandia latifolia nov. sp.9

Vidalia intermedia nov. sp.10


Algae ex Champion bay a Dr Elliott missae

[Algae sent from Champion Bay by Dr Elliott].

Lobospira bicuspidata

Ptilota coralloidea

Erythroclonium Sonderi


Rhodophyllis sp.

Hymenocladia ramalina?

Plocamium preissianum


Thysanocladia oppositifolia

Phacelocarpus sessilis

Stenocladia Sonderiana

Calliblepharis pannosa

Gelinaria sp?

Pterocladia lucida

Kutzingia angusta

Amansia mamillaris

Vidalia intermedia


Dilophus sp. nov.?


Algae ex Ulverston Tasmaniae a Dr W. Spencer 1889 missae

[Algae sent from Ulverston,11 Tasmania, by Dr W. Spencer in 1889].

Fucus chondrophyllus

Cystophora retorta

Macrocystis fragm.

Sargassum varians

Zonaria Turneriana

Plocamium angustum


Thamnoclonium claviferum J.Ag.

Gelidium glandulaefolium

Ptilonia australasica

Laurencia Forsteri

Amphiroa (fragm. disrupt.)

Corallina Cuvieri


Algae ex Streaky bay a Dowling 1889 missae.

[Algae sent from Streaky Bay12 by Dowling 1889]

Sargassum varians


Cystophora Brownii



Scaberia Agardhi13

Zonaria Turneriana

Caulerpa Brownii

Conf.14 sp.

Dasyphila Preissii

Halophlegma15 Preissii

Plocamium coccineum

var. flexuosum



Hymenocladia divaricata

Phacelocarpus sessilis

Callophyllis Lambertii

Laurencia Forsteri

Sarcomenia delesserioides

Alsidium comosum Harv.

Polysiphonia cancellata

Thuretia Quercifolia

Dasya fragm.

Pollexfenia fragm.


Algae ex Nova Zelandia (Cap Saunders) missae

[Algae sent from New Zealand (Cape Saunders)].

Marginaria Boryana


Fucus chondrophyllus

Cystophora scalaris J Ag

distenta J Ag


Enteromorpha acanthophora


Ulva rigida

Porphyra nobilis

Codium tomentos.16 auct.

Caulerpa fragm.

Ballia callitricha


Ceramium rubrum

Ptilota formosissima

Calophylus17 Calliblepharoides

Gymnogongrus nodiferus

Hymenocladia lanceolata

Epymenia sp.

Plocamium costatum


Gracilaria sp.

Calliblepharis Preissiana

Nitophyllum dilabidum J.Ag

Lenormandia angustifolia


Polyzonia sp. nov.

Polysiphonia sp.

Gigartina clavifera


fissa Suhr?


Algae from the aestuary of Johnston River a S Johnson 1889. missae, vix determinandae.

[Algae from the estuary of the Johnston River, sent by S. Johnson18 1889, scarcely determinable.]

Cladophora sp. Cl. fastigiata (?)

(Cl. catenatae prox.)

[close to Cl. catenata]

Sargassum opacum? fragm.


Centroceras clavulatum

Laurencia sp. (nana)


Hypnea sp. (nana)


Gigartina sp. (nana)



Lund, Sweden, 4 May 1890

Highly esteemed Baron!

About six weeks ago I sent you a new revision of the Sargassum of Australia,20 which, as a special work for Australian algae, I hope will have reached you safely.21Today I am sending you a small, but select collection of rarities (in special parcel); that I have found in the algal collections sent to me recently. There are particularly algae collected from Champion Bay by Spalding and Dr Elliot, from Geographe Bay by Mrs Irvine, as well as a collection as complete as possible of New Zealand algae sent to me that I have found opportunity to examine more closely. You will perhaps remember that the collection from Spalding was described as containing masses of algae completely stuck together between sheets of paper, and as nearly spoiled material;22 but by sacrificing the more common things (Plocamium etc) I have found several new forms of algae among them, of which I am sending specimens today, and even well prepared. It seems that the locality (Champion Bay) would be particularly rich in new and interesting Algae. Also the locality of Mrs Irvine (part of Geographe Bay) might perhaps, if more closely searched, give still other rarities. Among those now sent to you, you will find the probably extremely rare Amansia mamillaris, which was described already by Lamouroux, and as far as I know never found again afterwards. Unfortunately there was only a single specimen that I intended to divide a little. Also the probably very rare Lenormandia latifolia was found in good specimens among the algae of Spalding. It was described by Harvey in Nereis australis,23 but afterwards, as it seems not found again, it was hardly mentioned in Phycol. australis,24 if not as a broad form of L. spectabilis; although quite certainly a different plant. Another new Lenormandia that looks like a Delesseria (L. hypoglossum), a new Vidalia (V. intermedia), a new Curdiea (C. Irvineae), the old Rhodophyllis nitophylloides, but with capsule fruit that indicates a special genus, a new Polyzonia from New Zealand. I would like to know that this consignment has come to you safely.25 I do not remember if I have sent you the provisional lists of the last collections mentioned above.26 Therefore they follow today as well.

Of the duplicates recently brought together, I have [made] a small distribution of Algae Muellerianae to Kew, Dublin, Bornet in Paris and distributed others.

With best wishes signs you most devoted

J. G. Agardh.


[list follows as above]


Acropeltis phyllophora

Alsidium comosum

Amansia mamillaris

Amphiroa charoides

Ballia callitricha

Ballia scoparia

Calliblepharis pannosa

Calliblepharis Preissiana

Callophyllis coccinea

Callophyllis Lambertii

Calophyllis Calliblepharoides

Caulerpa Brownii

Caulerpa Cactoides

Caulerpa Hypnoides

Caulerpa Sonderi

Centroceras clavulatum

Ceramium rubrum


Cladophora catenata

Cladophora fastigiata

Cladostephus verticillatus australis

Codium tomentosum


Corallina Cuvieri

Curdiea irvineae

Cystophora Brownii

Cystophora distenta

Cystophora monilifera

Cystophora racemosa

Cystophora retorta

Cystophora scalaris

Cystophora torulosa

Cystophora Grevillei

Cystophora monilifera


Dasyphila Preissii



Ecklonia radiata

Enteromorpha acanthophora

Enteromorpha linza


Erythroclonium pyriferum

Erythroclonium Sonderi

Fucus chondrophyllus

Gelidium glandulaefolium

Gelidium patens


Gigartina angulata

Gigartina clavifera

Gigartina disticha

Gigartina fissa

Gracilaria furcellata

Gymnogongrus nodiferus

Halophlegma Preissii

Halyseris Muelleri

Hymenocladia divaricata

Hymenocladia lanceolata

Hymenocladia linearis

Hymenocladia ramalina

Hypnea episcopalis

Kutzingia angusta

Kützingia angusta

Kützingia canaliculata

Laurencia Forsteri

Laurencia heteroclada

Laurencia luxurians

Lenormandia angustifolia

Lenormandia Chauvinia

Lenormandia hypoglossum

Lenormandia latifolia

Lenormandia spectabilis

Lobospira bicuspidata


Marginaria Boryana

Marginaria urvilliana

Mastophora Lamourouxii

Myriodesma latifolium

Nitophyllum dilabidum

Phacelocarpus Labillardieri

Phacelocarpus sessilis

Platythalia Quercifolia

Plocamium angustum

Plocamium coccineum

Plocamium coccineum var. flexuosum

Plocamium costatum

Plocamium flexuosum

Plocamium nidificum

Plocamium preissianum

Plocamium procerum

Plocamium Mertensii


Polysiphonia cancellata

Polyzonia incisa

Porphyra nobilis

Pterocladia lucida

Ptilonia australasica

Ptilota coralloidea

Ptilota formosissima

Rhabdonia globifera


Rhodophyllis blepharicarpa

Rhodophyllis membranacea

Rhodophyllis nitophylloides

Sarcomenia delesserioides

Sargassum biforme

Sargassum fallax

Sargassum isophyllum

Sargassum opacum

Sargassum varians

Scaberia Agardhi

Stenocladia Sonderiana

Thamnoclonium claviferum

Thuretia Quercifolia

Thysanocladia oppositifolia

Trigenea australis

Ulva rigida

Vidalia intermedia

Zonaria Sinclairii

Zonaria Turneriana

Curdiea irvineae, Agardh (1894), continuo I, p. 135.
No published record of this name has been found.
Lenormandia hypoglossum, Agardh (1890), p. 66.
The name Lenormandia latifoliahad been used previously by Harvey (1847), p. 19.
Vidalia intermediawas published in Agardh (1890), pp. 69 – 71.
i.e. Ulverstone.
Rare orthographic variant of Haloplegma.
Steven Johnson. The collections in MEL are from the Johnstone River, Qld.
Agardh (1889).
M received the volume on 8 May 1890, see M to J. Agardh, 9 May 1890.
cf. M to J. Agardh, 4 July 1889.
Harvey (1847), p. 19.
Harvey (1863).
There is no acknowledgement of the safe arrival of this parcel in any of the surviving letters from M to J. Agardh.
See J. Agardh to M, 29 September 1889, for an earlier transmission of the lists of identifications of these collections, but arranged in slightly different order.

Please cite as “FVM-90-05-04,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 24 April 2024,