To David Martin1    17 September 1892

South Yarra,2 17th September, 1892.


The plant just received from you, dear Mr Martin, is a South African Homeria,which is very near H. lineata in affinity.3 I have heard that in their native country occasionally pasture animals have suffered from these kinds of plants; but no poison cases have hitherto come under my own notice. I would strongly advise that they be destroyed at the place where they must have strayed from — some adjoining garden.



Homeria lineata

Letter not found. The text used here was printed as Appendix A in McAlpine (1893), p. 11. A copy of the pamphlet is bound into the volume as ff. 308-19.

Peter MacOwan in Capetown told Martin, 22 December 1892, 'Your plant is Homeria collina, Vent.,var. miniata.' (McAlpine (1893) p. 11). M apparently sought information from MacOwan who sent him transcriptions of Pappe (1857), pp. 37 and 59, that were reproduced as Appendix C in McAlpine (1893), pp 11-13. M's botanical description at Appendix E, pp.14-15 is of Homeria collina, Vent.,var. miniata.

See also M to D. Martin, 1 November 1892.

Please cite as “FVM-92-09-17,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 27 July 2024,