From Frederick Bailey   10 June 1895

June 10th [189]51

Dear Baron

The more our haste to write our vast flora the more is seen the absolute necessity for increasing the numbers of species or the publishing of named varieties I you know have adopted the latter mode — At the present I have under notice Acronychia levis2 Forst of which there are with us three very distinct varieties, these I propose arranging as A. levis Forst normalis,

Fruit hardly showing angles leaves scarcely glossy a large tree with smaller leaves [than] the other forms.

var. purpurea. Fruit of a purplish plum colour, leathery the angles very prominent; very hollow, small tree with dark green foliage

var. leucocarpa a tall tree the leaves bright glossy green and 4 or more inches long, 1 to 1½ wide Fruit in lateral cymes white somewhat fleshy with obtuse angles.

Here I may also mention that the other day I got some fruit of Pleiococca Wilxociana3 F.v.M. This fruit was nearly 1 in. in diameter white globular, composed of from 5 to 9 connivent carpels fleshy, sharply acid, attached only by the inner angle, connivent tips free, the base produced below the attachment in the form of a blunt spur, (carpels often confluent) Seeds 1 or 2 blackish, tuberculous, flattish and reniform —

yours very truly

F. Manson Bailey


Baron Ferd von Mueller

Government Botanist

for Victoria


Acronychia levis

Acronychia levis varnormalis

Acronychia levis var. leucocarpa

Acronychia levis var. purpurea

Pleiococca Wilxociana

editorial addition.
Acronychia laevis?

Please cite as “FVM-95-06-10,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 2 May 2024,