From Ernst Heyne to Messrs Baptist & Sons   March 1868


Accompanied by Mr Carron of the Bot. Gard. I had this morning the pleasure of looking over your fine nursery and I can assure you I was perfectly astonished to see so valuable a collection brought together as you have got. I only regret I had no opportunity of expressing to you personally the pleasure my visit afforded to me.

One of my objects in visiting Sydney being to effect if possible some exchanges of plants[,]1 I left with your foreman a list of a few which I brought with me and asked him to select such as he thought might be of use to you. Should you find any amongst those mentioned in the list which you desire to add to your collections you will please to inform me of it and I shall be happy to deliver them to you on calling at Mr Moore's where the plants are at present. Besides the above we have a fine stock of conifers and other plants in Melbourne a great many of which I do not see mentioned in your catalogue and I am commissioned by Dr. Mueller to offer such as we can spare in exchange for what I might deem desirable for our establishment. Trusting you will not object to enter into communication (and exchanges) with us I venture to enclose a list of what I think will be an acquisition for our Department and beg you to be good enough, should you accede to my proposal to send such of the plants as you may have to spare to Mr. Moore of the Botan. Garden in the course of this week. One or two of the kinds named in my list we have got already but only in single specimens.

Before my departure from here I hope I may have the pleasure of meeting you in the mean time allow me to sign



E B Heyne

Assist. to Dr. Mueller

Dir. Bot. Gard. Melbourne


Messrs Baptist & Sons


Desiderata of the Melbourne Botanic Garden


Sanseviera variegata2

Woodwardsia3 Orientalis

Lindsaya retusa

Goldfussia glomerata

Hypericum floribundum

"   oblongum4

Diospyros kaki

"   Lotus

Vangueria edulis

Scheeria mexicana (the genus is unknown to me but that is the name I understood your foreman giving to a fine Gesneriaceous plant of the habit of an Achimenes)

Alnus Capensis5

Beleperone6 oblongifolia

Burchellia Capensis

Buxus argentea

Curopegia7 elegans

Grevillea Forsteri (though we have this noble plant 1 or 2 additional ones would be acceptable)

Jackaranda mimosaefolia

Laurus Borbonia

Libonia floribunda

Poroqueria longifolia8

Any of Your Rhopalas

Sedum adianthifolium9

Our collection of Camellias being very small I would feel obliged by your adding to the above a selection from the splendid one you have, leaving the choice to yourself.

Should you have any rare tropical or subtropical fruittrees or other useful plants not mentioned in your Catalogue they would also be gladly received.10



Pinus longifolia


Sabal Palmetto


Solanum horridum


Ligustrum sp Hong Kong


Aralia Schefflera


Pinus Haageana


Cinchona officinalis


Pittosporum Zeylanicum


Ilex cassinoides


Quercus Suber


Pinus Smithiana


" ponderosa


Tea plants


Rhus undulata


Celastrus angulatus


Jatropha Manihot


Panax Murrayi


Medeola asparagoides


Cneorum tricoccum11


Callitris columellaris


Hibiscus pedunculatus


Pinus balsamea


" Frazeri12


Tetragonia implexicoma



Alnus Capensis

Aralia Schefflera

Beleperone oblongifolia

Burchellia Capensis

Buxus argentea

Callitris columellaris


Celastrus angulatus

Cneorum tricossum

Curopegia elegans

Cinchona officinalis

Diospyros kaki

Diospyros Lotus

Goldfussia glomerata

Grevillea Forsteri

Hibiscus pedunculatus

Hypericum floribundum

Hypericum oblongum

Ilex cassinoides

Jackaranda mimosaefolia

Jatropha Manihot

Laurus Borbonia


Libonia floribunda

Lindsaya retusa

Medeola asparagoides

Panax Murrayi

Pinus balsamea

Pinus Frazeri

Pinus Haageana

Pinus longifolia

Pinus ponderosa

Pinus Smithiana

Pittosporum Zeylanicum

Poroqueria longifolia

Quercus Suber

Rhus undulata


Sabal Palmetto

Scheeria mexicana

Sedum adianthifolium

Sanseviera variegata

Solanum horridum

Tetragonia implexicoma

Vangueria edulis

Woodwardsia Orientalis

editorial addition.
Sansevieria ? S. variegate not in IK.
Woodwardia ?
H. oblongifolium ?
Not in IK.
Beloperone ?
Ceropegia ?
Posoqueria ? P. longifolia not in IK.
Not in IK.
The list that follows, which begins on a new page, is evidently the list of plants on offer from the Melbourne Botanic Garden to which Heyne refers.
Cneorum tricoccon ?
P. fraseri ?

Please cite as “FVM-M68-03-00,” in Correspondence of Ferdinand von Mueller, edited by R.W. Home, Thomas A. Darragh, A.M. Lucas, Sara Maroske, D.M. Sinkora, J.H. Voigt and Monika Wells accessed on 26 April 2024,