Letter (WCP1.1)



June 9th 1889

My dear Willie

We shall be glad to see you on Friday next. I send you 2/6. If you walk over you can save it for other purposes. As soon as I get the letter I will write to the Doctor. Last Tuesday I went to Parkstone to meet the landlord & see the alterations in the house. He is doing it very nicely & I think it will be a very snug little place with enough garden for us & very pretty country near. It is not only a tiled roof but it is one of the prettiest & best built little houses [2] I ever saw. I do not think there is one in Godalming so pretty. Your letter about the medium was very interesting. Just the same time Mr. Sharpe1 found out a boy at Charterhouse who is a spiritualist & takes in "Light". He is a grandson of the Duke of Argyll. Have just this morning finished my last Ex.m [examination] papers. We have had a few good answers but not many. You will see them when you come. We shall move, probably, the end of [3]2 next week. I have emptied the old cabinet, packed all the flints & good fossils in a small box, & all your birds’ Eggs[?] carefully in small boxes [MS illeg.] & wool[?] & these in [part of MS missing] [4]3 look nice & comfortable.

Ma is pretty well. Violet4 is not coming home again till the holidays as she had her [illeg.]eat at Burrell’s party, & has to [remainder of MS missing]

Sharpe, J.W. (-). Old friend and neighbour of ARW in Godalming and an assistant master at Charterhouse School.
Page 3 is damaged and the text is transcribed from the surviving fragment.
Page 4 is damaged and the text is transcribed from the surviving fragment, there is no signature.
Wallace, Violet Isabel (1869-1945). Daughter of ARW; teacher.

Please cite as “WCP1,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1