
Letter (WCP107.107)


Broadstone, Wimborne

July 20th. 1905

My dear Will

I have now finished all my Mss., & all but the last 3 chapr. are sent to the printers. I enclose your drawing "Maen Lisa" inscription. Will you please make me a copy of it in the middle of a sheet of note-paper with the shadows correct, as I want a block made to print in the text, opposite the photo. of the Stone. You need not outline the stone [2] as the position of the writing is cearly shown in the photo. The stone leans to the right so that most of the letters are right side up. [A sketh of the phone appears below the text].

The house alterations are still in full swing and as in all building work seem to go more slowly as it progresses. But they work at it all day. The skylight is now closed up, & the plasterer is beginning on the ceiling of the Turret & Arch. The stair-step at the bottom is altered & [3] required not an inch of extra wood, & is a great improvement. No rain here since you left. Very hot & dry.

Not a word from the Agent about where I am to have the land to. So I merely wait, not to seem too anxious about it.

We have told Ma not to come home for another week or two — the mess & noise would distract her.

The Manager of "Chapman & Hall" has read most of the Mss. & has made very few suggestions, & thinks the [4] early chapters very interesting and should stand just as they are.

Please give the exact letters in ordinary print, showing which are reversed or upside-down, as many people (including myself) will not be able to Read it. Also the translation thereof.

Your affectionate Pa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Please cite as “WCP107,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 4 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP107