Letter (WCP13.13)


Parkstone, Dorset.

June 15th, 1891

My dear Will

When you describe any such "accidents" again please put it on a separate piece of paper as Ma was unable to read your letter in consequence of such horrors.

I enclose a Card in case you and any friends like to come on Thursday Evening to hear me preach on Land Nationalisation. Violet1 & a lot of her friends will be there. [2] I have at last settled with Mr. Rigler & Mr. Ponbon & all is pretty straight. The garden is looking very nice with lots of flowers.

Mr. & Mrs. Cockerell2,3 were here today. They are going to Jamaica in a few weeks. I gave him an a pocket Aneroid as a remembrance & for his held in correcting "Island Life." — Mrs. Allman died last Thursday & was [3] buried on Saturday. I went to the funeral. Our neighbours Col. Nichol, his wife, sister & little girls are very nice people — & the sister, Miss. Cooper, is a crack tennis player, & they have the court opposite them marked out & their straining poles down.

Being very busy I can write no more just now. I was at Meldola’s4 a fortnight ago at time of Exams. [4] I suppose you got the Conic Section book.

You affectionate Papa | Alfred R. Wallace — [signature]

Wallace, Violet Isabel (1869-1945). Daughter of ARW; teacher.
Cockerell, Theodore Dru Alison (1866-1948). British-born American zoologist, taxonomist, and museum curator.
Cockerell, Annie Sarah (Nee Fenn) (1857-1893). First wife of Theodore D. A. Cockerell.
Meldola, Raphael (1849-1915). British chemist and entomologist.

Please cite as “WCP13,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP13