
Letter (WCP1304.1083)


Parkstone, Dorset.

April 3rd. 1892.

My dear Fanny1

I return you [1 word illeg.]'s letter card, also G. Silk's2 letter about the Registration of photographs. Pray do not trouble yourself about future troubles. Your landlord will certainly give you notice before going to extremities, — but when a landlord does put in a distress he can take anything in the house, not actually used in the business, even a lodger's furniture can be taken. That [2] is a landlord's privilege by landlord-made law!

We have now some nice warm weather. Yesterday was almost oppressive, but to-day the wind feels a trifle less dry though still North-East, & I expect a change with wet[?] soon which is much wanted.

I have lots of letters to write, so excuse brevity.

Yours[sic] affectionate Brother | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]


P.S. I see Buffalo Bill is coming again so you will have more of your old friends the Indians. Mind don't let anybody have anything except paid in advance or cash down.

A.R.W. [signature]

Frances "Fanny" Sims, nee Wallace (1812-1893), Alfred Russel Wallace's sister.
George Silk, lifelong childhood friend of Alfred Russel Wallace.

Please cite as “WCP1304,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1304