
Letter (WCP132.132)


Broadstone, Wimborne

March 3rd. 1908

My dear Will

I will write again to ask if they can give six weeks or 2 months, but I rather think they expect it to be done in a month at most.

If you do it, I should not want to revise any of your "cutting out". Only the connecting passages you may write — you can cut out better than I can, as you can better judge what complete outsiders would be apt to consider uninteresting. Also, as those who read will [2] not know what has been omitted — it really does not matter, so that the whole reads fairly well.

But if you feel it will be too much of a strain to do an hour or two each evening, and 5 or 6 hours on Sunday, do not attempt it. Every passage omitted should be clearly scored out.

You would be able to do a chapter or two in an evening and as there are about 40 chapters a month shd. be ample.

Yours — | A.R. Wallace [signature]

Please cite as “WCP132,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 12 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP132