
Letter (WCP1349.1128)


29, Friars’ Stile Road, Rye2

Richmond Hill, Surrey.

Sept[ember] 20 1904

Dear Dr Wallace,

I have now examined the wills of John Wallace (Jan[uary] 1784) Elizabeth Wallace (Sept[ember] 1785) William Wallace (Aug[ust] 1787) and Frances Sleigh (Dec[ember] 1820). I am afraid that they do not give any helpful information.

John Wallace of the Parish of St. George in the East, Victualler[?] — will dated Jan[uary] 19, 1784. Everything left to Martha Wallace his wife & sole executrix.

Elizabeth Wallace late of Peebles in the County of Tweedale [sic]. Administration granted to John Wallace her only child.

William Wallace of Castle St in the Parish of St. Mary le Bow, cabinet maker. Exe[cuto]rs Robert Ramsey & William Wright. [2] Everything left to the children of his brother Robert.

Frances Sleigh of Hanworth — property divided between her two sons Colonel James Wallace Sleigh, and Francis Sleigh of the Cape of Good Hope — with legacies to her daughters in law Mrs Walker and Mrs Taylor & to her granddaughter Susannah. Exe[cuto]rs W. Bowker and R. Baxter.

I have still to look up Daniel Wallace and Eliza Wallace mentioned in your original list as buried at Ashtead: also George Wallace your great uncle and Elizabeth Wallace if the dates can be found. I am writing to the parson at Hanworth.

Yours v[er]y truly | Sydney C. Cockerell [signature].

Answ[ere]d written by hand in left hand side margin.
This part written by hand.

Please cite as “WCP1349,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 1 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1349