
Letter (WCP138.138)


Broadstone, Wimborne

May 17th. 1908

My dear Will

As to the book, I would get the smallest & cheapest foolscap paper you can, to paste the proofs and fresh matter on in due order. There is no need to cut it so that all is of one size. You will merely stick on the new matter as well as the old, and it really does not matter what size it is, so that it is large enough. As soon as done send it to me & I will look over it. Better send me [2] also any notes of points you think doubtful.

Of course you will make up into new chapters with new headings as you think most suitable. Then if you are coming home at end of this month, I will tell them to send the proofs to you here.

As to Doctors I should think it only necessary now, to be careful as to cold as well as to fresh air, & eat whatever [3] you can digest best, and also take as much outdoor regular exercise as you feel does you good. I send you now an Essay by a lady-Doctor which is I think one of the wisest and most instructive I have ever read — not on the special subject only but on the whole question of health and disease. It is so well written and well-reasoned that I think you will read it with pleasure, and gain some new ideas from it, as both I & Violet have done.

I cannot help thinking that if Mr. Weston & Mr. Ashold [4] had been really well-advised as to what was necessary for their health and why it was necessary, they would not both have gone in the prime life.

Hoping the milder weather now is making you feel better.

Your affectionate Pa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

(Mr. Bruce Joy has just written to tell me that his medallion of me, in silver, is in the R.A. this year & well shown. If you go through London & have time you had better go see it.

A.R.W. [signature]

[The following one sentence appears vertically on the left-hand side of the first page] I hope you have settled about the Inc. Tar.[?] A man called him about it.

A.R.W. [signature]

Please cite as “WCP138,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 11 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP138