Ternate, Moluccas,
Oct. 6. 1858.
My dear Sir
I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of July last,1 sent me by Mr. Darwin2, & informing me of the steps you had taken with reference to a paper3 I had communicated to that gentleman. Allow me in the first place sincerely to thank yourself & Sir Charles Lyell4 for your kind offices on this occasion, & to assure you of the gratification afforded me both by the course you have pursued & the favourable opinions of my essay which you have so kindly expressed. I cannot but consider myself a favoured party in this Matter, because it has hitherto been too much the practice in cases of this sort to impute all the merit to the [2] first discoverer of a new fact or a new theory, & little or none to any other party who may, quite independently, have arrived at the same result a few years or a few hours later.
I also look upon it as a most fortunate circumstance that I had a short time ago commenced a correspondence with Mr. Darwin on the subject of "Varieties",5since it has led to the earlier publication of a portion of his researches6 & has secured to him a claim to priority which an independent publication either by myself or some other party might have injuriously affected; — for it is evident that the time has now arrived when these & similar views must[?] will be promulgated & must be fairly discussed.
It would have caused me much [3] pain & regret had Mr. Darwin's excess of generosity led him to make public my paper unaccompanied by his own much earlier & I doubt not much more complete views on the same subject, & I must again thank you for the course you have adopted, which while strictly just to both parties, is so favourable to myself.
Being on the eve of a fresh journey I can now add no more than to thank you for your kind advice as to a speedy return to England; — but I dare say you well know & feel, that to induce a Naturalist to quit his researches at their most interesting point requires some more cogent argument than the prospective loss of health.
I remain | My dear Sir | Yours very sincerely | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]
J. D. Hooker, M.D.
[4]7 Jos. D. Hooker, M.D. F.R.S.
Status: Edited (but not proofed) transcription [Letter (WCP1454.4022)]
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Please cite as “WCP1454,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 16 February 2025, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1454