
Letter (WCP153.153)


Parkstone, Dorset.

March 19th. 1891

My dear Will

Ma tells me she has written to say that you can have Mr. Crump for a visit if he likes to come. As you have not told us yet whether he can or will come or not, I write to say that as we shall certainly not be all straight next week it will be more convenient if he comes for the last week of your holidays, so that he can return with you if equally [2] convenient to him.

You room is not papered yet but we hope to have it done by Saturday. It has been very troublesome getting the different papers required, as they have to be sent for from London, & then we find some patterns can’t be had & we have to choose again.

Last week we were again for 4 days without a drop of hot water thought [[3] the top cistern was full — Vainly we turned the four hot water taps — none would come! At last in despair I enquired of Mr. Seller the ironmaker & Engineer who I was told understood hot-water works thoroughly. He came — he saw — he conquered! There was no escape for the air in the cold water supply pipe to boiler, — & then I saw at once why it stopped — Boards had to be taken up to get at the pipes, & then we had a cold water tap fixed beside the hot-water-do. in the Kitchen — Out came air & water, & like magic all [4] the tap did their duty, & unlimited hot water is now the order of the day. Yet a most experienced plumber laid the pipes, & another experienced plumber made the connections to bath &c. -, neither of them knew that anything was wrong! Neither did Mr. Rigler, nor Mr. Pouton!!

The gas-stove works first-rate; no smell, & produced about a quart of water in 12 hours.

Your affectionate Papa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Please cite as “WCP153,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP153