
Letter (WCP1793.1681)


9 St. Mark's Crescent,

Regent’s Park,


Feb. 17th.1867

My dear Sir

You will perhaps have been surprised at finding no personal observations in my little book.1 That is because, when I wrote it I had seen no good phenomena except with public mediums, which it is useless to adduce to sceptics, who are always haunted by the notion of "machinery".

I am endeavouring now to get some scientific man of conscience to investigate the [2] phenomena which occur with Miss Nicholl2, who is kind enough to give up her time for the purpose. This young lady has seen spirits all her life, but has been always taught it was a nervous disease. She has been at times treated severely for it with bleedings, cold baths &c. but without effect. She sees sometimes the room full of figures as distinct and real to her as the bodies who are present. They play all sorts of antics, bow & smile to her, but never speak. They have sometimes really opened the door, since her father who sees none of these things, has seen the door open and [3] close again, when she has seen the figures come in. Yet till three months ago she had never heard of spiritualism, and did not know that there was any reality in what she saw.

This being the case I think it very probable she might see the beings that trouble you, and we might get some communication that would lead to your relief. If you are coming to town soon we would be happy to make the experiment.

Of course in your position it is impossible for you to make known your belief in Spiritualism. [4] But with persons who are not immediately dependent on public opinion I think it a duty to the cause of truth that they should openly avow their belief & the grounds of it. If this were done generally I believe we should soon see the day when all might avow if openly without fear of the social persecution it now entails.

Sincerely sympathising with you | Believe me | Yours very faithfully | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

R. Norris Esq. M.D.

Probably the pamphlet Wallace, A. R. 1866. The Scientific Aspect of the Supernatural: Indicating the Desirableness of an Experimental Enquiry by Men of Science Into the Alleged Powers of Clairvoyants and Mediums. London: F. Farrah.
Guppy-Volckman (née Nicholl), Agnes Elisabeth (1838-1917). British spiritualist medium.

Please cite as “WCP1793,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 5 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1793