
Letter (WCP1805.1694)


Frith Hill Godalming

July 7th 1882

My dear Dr. Norris

Accept my sincerest sympathy in your domestic affliction.

Thanks for your valuable work on "The Blood" — I have read the Preface & the first 2 chap[ter]s with great interest & shall read all the general discussions. I trust it may gain you the reputation your persevering labours deserve.

The French book on Spiritualism is called — "Choses de l’Autre Monde"1 par Eugene Nus. (E. Dentu. Palais Royal, Paris.)

Will you make known my "Land" book to any liberal thinkers you [2] know in Birmingham, especially any who would be likely to aid in our "Land Nationalisation Society" of which I enclose two prospectuses. I feel so earnestly that this is the only way to raise our masses out of the slough of poverty & pauperism, that I cannot help thinking that if earnest philanthropists will only read the statement of facts & arguments I have set forth they will give us some support.

With kind remembrances to Mrs. Norris & your family.

Believe me | Yours very truly | Alfred R Wallace [signature]

This translates as "Things of the Other World"

Please cite as “WCP1805,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1805