
Letter (WCP1808.1697)


The Laboratory,

<Yardley Fields,


Feb 12th 1901

Dear Dr Wallace

A short time ago being anxious to develope[sic] certain phases of my own mediumship wh[ich] have been in an embryotic condition for a long time I got my neice (Mrs Kenyon) to undertake a forraging-scouting expedition among London Media & spiritualists — Among others she visited a Mrs Bathe & learned from her much about the very interesting Foxwell case & the finding of the poor fellow’s body — in the course of conversation in transpired that you were associated with the investigation — there are two phases of this question in wh I am now particularly interested so-called clairvoyance & whether there is any certainty whatever in materialist phenomena — I am interested in them as matters of scientific investigation and not from the point of view of the existence of spirits — a fact of wh I have had personally the amlest proof for nearly forty years — during this period I have been [1 word illeg.] attempting to reduce the next mass of complex [1 word illeg.] <physiological?> facts to simple principles of law & order — From the brief conversation I was priviledged[sic] to have with you one evening at the only meeting of the SPR I ever attended, I feel quite sure you will be willing to render me all the advice and assistance in your power. The death of your friend Mr Myers was a great blow to me for I had thought when he had turned the corner and recognised spirit in the phenomena he had so ably & devotedly studied to buttress him with all my might but this was evidently not in the programme.

With Kind regards | I remain | Yours sincerely | Richard Norris [signature]

Please cite as “WCP1808,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 5 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP1808