
Letter (WCP184.184)


Broadstone, Wimborne

Oct. 24th. 1904

My dear Will

I return the designs with thanks, but both Violet1 & Ma agree that it is not worth while having such expensive things till our permanent entrance is decided on. Also, almost every one now comes by the new road, except when in carriages. Again, they (the plates) would be quite out of place on the outter[sic] black gate, and as the top rail of both gates is only 2 ½ inches or 2 ¾" deep, they would require a large slab of wood across two rails to carry there, as they are 5 inches wide of [2] metal. Such a slab of teak could be painted on, or Ma could carve the letters, which would look more suitable.

I am glad you went to see Mr. Walkers who I suppose is the son of the man I knew who was nearly as old as myself. Violet met the son and family at Borth, & mentioned you. Should you by chance go to Brum. again enquire for Col. S. D. Williams of Broomie Close, Sutton Coldfield, [3] who is in some large firm at Brum. & is very well known — a very clever and advanced man. I have corresponded with him for many years & he has promised to look out for you, & he has much influence, I am told.

I have been sorting out the whole lot of my letters &c.. first in years — then going over them and taking out all those I shall want to use for the Autobiog[raphy]. such as Huxley[']s2, Tyndall3, Spencer4, Purland5, and about 20 other persons of some note. Also putting together all those [4] referring to Spiritualism, Vaccination, Socialism, &c. so that as I come to each of these objects I shall have all the materials at hand to take exactly what I want for an interesting summary of the subject. I have finished a nice little chapter of my brother Herbert6! life & poems, having found about 12 poems and 6 enigmas which are really good. Had he lived he would no doubt have got on in literature of some sort. I find I have numbers of very interesting letters I had totally forgotten, many of which can be used in part.

Have you met with no Spiritualists yet at Manchester? There is I think a strong society there.

Your affect[ionate] Pa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Wallace, Violet Isabel (1869-1945). Daughter of ARW; teacher.
Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-1895). British biologist and author, known as "Darwin's Bulldog"
Tyndall, John (1820-1893). Irish physicist and mountaineer. Professor of natural philosophy at the Royal Institution in 1853; Superintendent of the Royal Institution 1867-1887.
Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903). British philosopher, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal political theorist.
Purland, Theodosius (1805-1881). British dental surgeon, mesmerist and antiquary.
Wallace, Herbert Edward ("Edward") (1829-1851). Brother of ARW and assistant to him in Brazil.

Please cite as “WCP184,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 10 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP184