
Letter (WCP187.187)


Broadstone, Wimborne

Sept. 12th. 1907

My dear Will

I enclose a rather interesting paper sent me from a young man at Middlesborough, whose acquaintance you may like to make. His address is 23, Kensington Road. At p. 7 you will see a reference to some very curious "valleys" formed by glacial lakes. He would no doubt be glad to take some excursions with you to the most interesting [2] places.

I am sorry to have to tell you of the death of our friend Mr. Weston. He has had, I think, more than one attack of hemorrage [sic] in the last few months, which were almost sure to end fatally. He had another I believe last Saturday, and died on Tuesday morning — Ma went to funeral yesterday afternoon.

Prof. Poulton1 & his second [3] daughter are coming here today to lunch — & for a talk.

Fred. Birch2 as at last reached his destination in the interior of Minas[?] Geraes[?], & is settled in "the High Woods" — but I have no details yet.

For the last two months & since I have been struggling with "Mars" — his temperatures & his canals. All my mathematical friends so far — have failed me —Sharpe3, O. Fisher4 — Prof. Barrett5 &c. — one Prof. Poynting6 of Birmingham is the most [4] promising — but I think I can do without them, by trusting to the cares of the earth & moon, — in comparison with Mars, — and drawing conclusions.

It will make a nice little book & is nearly ready.

Let us know how you get only with work — also health, walks, excursions &c.

I have had some asthma again but believe it is all supper — when I take some or very little — I am all right.

Now the weather is a blazing autumn.

Violet7 comes back tomorrow.

Your affect[ionate] Pa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Poulton, Edward Bagnall (1856-1943). British Entomologist.
Birch, Frederick ("Fred") (1876-1952). British naturalist and natural history collector.
Sharpe, Richard Bowdler (1847-1909). British ornithologist and museum curator. Founder of the British Ornithologists' Club in 1892.
Fisher, Osmond (1817-1914). British geologist and geophysicist.
Barrett, William Fletcher (1844-1925). British physicist and psychical investigator.
Poynting, John Henry (1852 -1914). British physicist. Professor of Physics at Birmingham University.
Wallace, Violet Isabel (1869-1945). Daughter of ARW; teacher.

Please cite as “WCP187,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 9 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP187