
Letter (WCP2010.1900)


37 Queen’s Gardens,

Bayswater, London. W.

19 July 1872.

Dear Mr. Wallace,

Thank you for the copy of your address, which I found at the Athenaeum.1 It is gratifying to me to find that your extended knowledge does not lead you to scepticism respecting the speculation of mine which you quote, but rather enables you to cite further facts in justification of it.

Possibly your exposition will lead [2] some of those in whose lines of investigation the question lies to give deliberate attention to it.

Sincerely yours | Herbert Spencer [signature]

The Athenaeum was an intellectually elite private members club in London founded in 1824 by John Wilson Crooker for literary men, scientists and artists. The club was first known as 'the Society' when it was based in the apartments of the Royal Society of Somerset House, it took its present name when it relocated to 107 Pall Mall, at the corner of Waterloo Place. Spencer often spent weeks on end at the clubhouse and served on its committe for many years. (Weinreb, B., Hibbert, C., Keay, J. 2008. Athenaeum. The London Encyclopaedia. Third Ed. London: Macmillan. p.31.; Taylor, M. 2007. The Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. London: Continuum Books, p.22).

Please cite as “WCP2010,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 26 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2010