
Letter (WCP2015.1905)


38 Queen’s Garden’s

Bayswater W.

Feby. 23/84

My dear Mr. Wallace,

It was a pleasure to hear from you; for it is so long since anything has passed between us either by letter or orally. I am glad of your general sympathy and thank you for your suggestion.

I cannot say that I feel inclined to coincide with it; for ever leaving out of the question the relative efficiency of the two methods of administering such undertakings as you name, I have a great horror of the [2] extension of the governmental organization[sic].

With respect to the economic merits of the one or other method carrying on processes of the kind you name, I would draw your attention to the parts lately brought out by Sir Thomas Farrer, secretary to the Board of Trade, who has shown that under the system of railway administration in England, which differs from that of France in that the companies are less under State control, and their lives are not eventually to lapse into the hands of the State, the amount of convenience [3] to the traveller, both in economy swiftness, and number of trains, is far greater than in France.

I could give you other facts in verification of my view, but my energies are so limited to avoid every distraction from the small amount of work I can get done.

Very sincerely yours | Herbert Spencer [signature]

Please cite as “WCP2015,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2015