
Letter (WCP204.204)


Parkstone, Dorset.

Octr. 12th. 1889

My dear Violet

I hope your cold is gone. I enclose you 3 tickets for my lecture, one for Madame Michaelis, the others for you & your friend.

I shall send one to Willie1 (or perhaps 2) & perhaps you had better arrange for him to meet you & go together.

I am awfully busy with the garden. I suppose you have heard from Willie how he likes the Crumps! what a [2] name! Are not you thankful my name was not Crumps!!

The kitten has gone to her situation & old Kitty sleeps & purrs all day in lazy contentment.

My lectures at Liverpool are on Octr. 29th. & 30th. in case your friend there wants to know.


I am too busy to write more.

Your affectionate Papa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

[3] I also send a lot of Zoo Tickets.

A.R.W. [signature]

Wallace, William Greenell (1871-1951). Son of ARW.

Please cite as “WCP204,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 26 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP204