
Letter (WCP2053.1943)


11 Norman Road

Rusholne, Manchester

20 Feb. 1881

My dear Sir,

In reading your work on Island Life there are a few points which as it seems to me, ought to be considered in view[?] of a second edition.

pp. 115-116.

(1.) [illeg.] Cave[?] the earliest [2 words illeg.] in this country gives is Reindeer, Hippo[?], E. antiguen[?] & N hemiduehan[?] as the common prey of the [3 words illeg.] inhabiting it.

(2.) The gnawed[?] remains of the Reindeer are [illeg.] animals[?] [2] with all, or with one or other, of the above animals, in the [illeg.] Hyena- Caves, and [illeg.] Hyena cave, [illeg.] South [3 words illeg.] and the [illeg.] Cave, [illeg.], and as a rule their gnawed bones occur on the Hyena [illeg.] on the [illeg.] north of the Alps and Pyrenees.

The references you will find in my 'Cave hunting and Early Man, and mainly the paper in the Innt. Geol. Journ. Lond.

This association of Reindeer with Hippo in the Hyena-den under [illeg.] which prove that the same pack of hyenas ate [3] both [illeg.] the [2 words illeg.] in the [illeg.] as far as these animals go, and they get over it by ignoring the Reindeer. You, I am sure, are too scientific to do this in your second edition.

p117. The R. of Durnter is R. megenhimn[?]

p118. The views as to the 'interglacial' [illeg.], of Cleveland, ohio[sic], put into Trop. Newberry's matters[?] G[?] Dr James Geikie1, have been reproduced[?] by [4] Prof. Newberry in Geol. Survey of Ohio iii pp49,53. The latter expressed his annoyance at [illeg.] misquoted [illeg.] in New York last December.

These points occur to me as I read, and I am sure that you will not mind my putting them to you as a fellow [illeg.]

I am | My dear sir| Yours truly | W. Boyd Dawkins [signature]2

Geikie, James Murdoch (1839-1915). British geologist; brother of Archibald Geikie.
Beneath the signature of Dawkins is "A. R. Wallace in Croyden" written in the same handwriting as the rest of the letter.

Please cite as “WCP2053,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2053