
Letter (WCP2056.1946)




Febr[uar]y 24. 1881

My dear Sir

I have just got your "Island Life" and begun the pleasant task of reading it slowly and critically, making marginal notes as my custom is when I get a good and enjoyable book.

I have been much struck with your remark in the Introductory chapter about the fragmentary work done by recent Scientific expeditions [2] & the necessity for having special districts explored thoroughly.

Is not this a very suitable object for the British Association?

Could we not get the Committee of Section D. to make a strong recommendation on the subject?

I send you by this post a pamphlet which I have just got out at the request of the Council [3] of the Lit[erary]: & Phil[osphical] Society.

The analysis of Grants may perhaps be interesting. I have not seen such elsewhere —

With many thanks for so valuable and interesting a book as Island Life. — (The writers of good books are among the worlds[sic] best ministers)

believe me Dear Sir | Yours very truly | F. T. Mott [signature]

A. R. Wallace Esq[uire]

Please cite as “WCP2056,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 4 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2056