
Letter (WCP2058.1948)


11 Norman Road, Rusholene, Manchester

14 April 1881.

My dear Sir,

You are very good to take my criticisms of your admirable book as they were meant. I have just finished it, and have written down a few points which strike me as notanda for [illeg.] edit[?].

You will find references to fossil mammalian and the ancient germaphiles[?] of N. W, Eurade touched in my case-hunting, and Early Man. Three lists of fossil hearts I enclose with this.

I shall hope to see you here on [2] 27th April, and regret that my wife being 'upstairs' will prevent my asking you to dine with us. However I can show you Hippos and Reindeer in the College[?].

I am | My dear Sir | Yours truly | W. Boyd Dawkins [signature]1

[3] Corrections Inserted

C^1192 The Classification of Glacial Period put forward by Dr Gerkie not accepted by European and American Geologists
^148 No evidence of Hippo soon after.
^.184 No evid. of 'fragmental' and 'insular' condit[io]n of N. American in Eo-Meio-Tlew[?] Chi.[?]
193. l.30 — Triassic fauna of continent not from but as with as[?] Golele[?] & Liss[?].

N. American polar land region as old as [illeg.] Early Secondary? are.

A large part of NE American deformed under glacial sea — some 1000 feet — Lahaln.

213. 'distinct formation' I doubt [illeg.]
311. The sea bottom to 2000 fms[?] has a subariel[?] land contour.
319. Submergence not proved S.of line passing through Bristol[?] and London. The Pleist. animals reoccupied emerged[?] Britain.
390. ? poverty of Australian & Africa in higher forms of life.
421. See Iceland See Early [illeg.] C1.11.111.
466417 The Deinovnis has 3 toes not 4.
Beneath the signature of Dawkins is "A. R. Wallace Esq" written in the same handwriting as the rest of the letter.
^ is used in this transcription instead of the proofreading insert symbol

Please cite as “WCP2058,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2058