
Letter (WCP206.206)



Sunday Morn[in]g.[1889]

My dear Violet

I have just finished the last Exam. Paper — rather quicker than normal as they are the worst lot I ever had — but not many very amusing answers. I enclose you one or two short ones. I send you a P[ostal]. Order for 10/6 for the Exam. fee. I did not know you had to pay it so long in advance. I will of course pay all your [1 word illeg crossed out] College Expenses. The £20 is to cover all your personal expenses. I cannot send you Willies book. [2] I believe you can get a copy of the Ingoldsby Legends for s1/- I send you a few Land Nat[ionalisatio]n. papers for you to make converts with, but do not read them yourself till you have passed your Exam. Any spare time you have give to out-door exercise.

I send you some more Zoo. tickets for next Sunday in case any of your friends like to go. There have been a few reviews of my books, all good, but not many yet.

[3] I send you one from the "Saturday Preview" which please return. It is a sample of the others. Our Annual Meeting of the L[and].N[ationalisation]. Society is on Thursday week, so I shall be pretty busy that week as we must move either Friday or Monday.

Believe me | Your affectionate Papa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

Please cite as “WCP206,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP206