
Letter (WCP2064.1954)


Royal Society for the Assistance of Discharged Prisoners.

32, Charing Cross

London. S.W.

January 2nd, 1912

Re:John Hayes

Dear Sir

I now return this mans letter as you asked.

Hayes has been in prison for a sentence of 15 months. He personated a detective & went on[?illeg] rounds pretending to collect subscriptions for the widows and children in connection with the Stepney murder case — He has two previous convictions for crimes of a somewhat similar character —. He is strong and in every way physically fit, but says he will not take ordinary labouring or navy work.—

I have ascertained too that he is a Roman [2] Catholic and is to be discharged on 1st February next.

As there is a Roman Catholic Priest for helping men of their faith,— I will see that Hayes goes to them & we will pay half of any expenses they consider desirable in helping Fund him.-

Hayes is plausible & educated but I am afraid the governor has a very poor opinion of his real desire to lead an honest life.

I enclose a copy of our own[?illeg] last Annual Report — I hope it may interest you.

Yours very truly | John G Wilson [signature]1 | secretary

British Museum stamp underneath.

Please cite as “WCP2064,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2064