
Letter (WCP210.210)


Parkstone, Dorset.

March. 9th. 1890

My dear Violet

I have been very busy with the horrid Vaccination Commission1, & other things. I hope you have given your Cats lessons with E-claw (eclàt)! introducing some nice "tales", and making them "a-mew-sing" and "purr-suasive". It is a great honour to be asked to teach the students!!

When I was at Liverpool last I met another old friend — a clergyman, who used to be [2] [a] curate at Hurst about 24 years ago — a very jolly & liberal parson, a great friend of grandpa’s. Last week we went to call on a gentleman at Bournemouth we had met at Mrs. Homfray’s — a Dr. Bicknell — and saw there his daughter-in-law, a very nice lady who lives next door to Miss Roberts at Epsom and has just made her acquaintance. Another coincidence!

I have just discovered where "Darkness & Down" is. I lent [3] it to Mr. Taylor (Mr Sharpe’s friend); I will write to him for it.

I am going to London again next Wednesday & have written to Mr. Mennell to ask for a bed, & if he gives it me you can come then in the evening.

I enclose a cheque to Mrs. Boole with her account. Please give it her.

Your affectionate Papa | Alfred R. Wallace [signature]

The Royal Commission on Vaccinations, 1889-1896

Please cite as “WCP210,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP210