
Letter (WCP2107.1997)


Kew May 6 13th [18]/68

Dear Mr Wallace

It was not I who asked about Switzerland — I wish I could join you; but am tied by the leg this year.

I will however be on the lookout for any one likely to join you — & let you know if I hear —

I began this on the 6th & was called away to Torquay,2 whence I returned [2] yesterday.

There is no good French Flora of Switzerland — Koch's Flora Germanicae et Helveticae3 — one thick vol. 8vo. embraces all Swiss plants in Latin, & is good — "Gillet & Magne's" compendium & simple French Flora, in French, to be had everywhere in France embraces most Swiss plants & is a capital little book.4

Can you not run out here & look at [3] the books? — lunch at 1 pm — Any day but Thursday I am at home. —

Mrs Hooker is pretty well but expects to be laid up soon & is quite incapable of any exertion5— I hope Mrs Wallace is well —

Ever sin[cerel]y Yr | Jos D Hooker [signature]

Page 1 is numbered page 80 by the repository. Every second subsequent page has a consecutive handwritten number written in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
This line is marked by two parallel lines in the left margin.
Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph. 1837. Synopsis florae Germanicae et Helveticae : exhibens stirpes phanerogamas rite cognitas, quae in Germania, Helvetia, Borussia et Istria sponte crescunt atque in hominum usum copiosius coluntur. Francofurti ad Moenum: F. Wilmans.
Gillet, Claude Casimir and Magne, Jean-Henri. 1863. Nouvelle flore française : descriptions succinctes et rangées par tableaux dichotomiques des plantes qui croissent spontanément en France et de celles qu'on y cultive en grand avec l'indication de leurs propriétés et de leurs usages en médecine, en hygiène vétérinaire, dans les arts et dans l'économie domestique.Paris: Garnier Frères.
Joseph Hooker's wife Frances (née Henslow) gave birth to their daughter, Grace Ellen Hooker, on June 3, 1868.

Please cite as “WCP2107,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 26 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2107