
Letter (WCP2110.2000)


34 Camden Sq[ua]r[e]. NW

24 Sep. [18]68

My dear sir

When I had the pleasure of seeing your collection I expressed a hope that you would send me another paper for the Intellectual Observer.1

Six or eight pages suits me best in point of length, & you must be [2] brim full of interesting subjects connected with the fauna of America or the Indian archipelago, which are either quite new or very little known.

Just at present I do not want any papers that require important plates as illustrations, & perhaps you could select a subject either requiring none, or [3] simple wood cuts.

In a few months I could give you one of our principle plates for any thing adapted to our use. Will you kindly bear this [in] mind?

Allow me to remain, | My dear Sir | Yours faithfully | Henry. J. Slack [signature]

Alfred R Wallace Esq | F.R.S.


The Intellectual Observer was a scientific monthly founded in 1862 from the defunct Journal Recreative Science founded in 1859. The journal focused on 'natural history, microscopic research and recreative science', and featured articles illustrated with coloured plates and woodcuts. ARW had previously submitted his paper 'The Philosophy of Birds' Nests' to Henry Slack in July 1867. (Knight, D. M. 1998. Science in the Romantic Era. London & New York: Routledge. p.308; Wallace, A. R. 1867. The Philosophy of Birds' Nests. Intellectual Observer 11(6): 413-420 .)       
A pencil annotation is written in an unknown hand at the top of page 4: "[one illeg. word] H[enr]y Slack".

Please cite as “WCP2110,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2110