
Letter (WCP2114.2004)


54 Durham Park


May 12, 1882

Dear Sir,

I do not know whether you will consider the fact which I am about to mention worther of note; but as it may be so I have time to write to you on the subject. Reading your valuable work on "The distribution of Animals" I found a mention [2] made (vol. II p. 171) of the Siamanga sycadaetyla which has the second and third toes united to the last joint, and it immediately struck me that the second and third toes on my right foot ([1 word illeg.]) nearly answer this description, then two appear to spring from a common look and then to bifurcate near [3] the top —

I believe one of my sons has the same peculiarity — I would ascertain this if you thought it worth while.

Believe me | dear sir | Yours truly | J. W. Hamilton [signature]

A. R. Wallace Esq


J. Hamilton written by hand on blank page with British Museum stamp.

Please cite as “WCP2114,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2114