
Letter (WCP2125.2015)


Form 148. 4-11-5M

University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado

James H. Baker, A. M., L.L. D. President

Dec[ember]. 20 1911

Dear Mr. Wallace

In my lecture on Biology, I always give an outline on the history of the Theory of Evolution, and this year the class took more than usual interest in the -[illegible] subject

  • the best class we have ever had, and especially in Dr. Wallace’s hand in the matter. They have taken the liberty of sending to Dr. Wallace a paper (mailed today, but being registered, it will probably arrive a little later than this letter) expressing their admiration of his work and wishing him health & happiness on the occasion of his 89th birthday.

Dr. Wallace will of course receive a great many letters of congratulations, and not be able to reply to them. — however, he should feel able to write a few words to our young — they would greatly appreciate and the letter would be preserved now to show to each class in the years to come. Do not suggest this to him unless he is feeling well, and not find it a to -. With every good wish to you all for the New Year.

Yours very sincerely | Ther. D. A. Cockwell [signature]

Please cite as “WCP2125,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2125