
Letter (WCP2143.2033)


Budapest, V. Rudolf-rakpart 3.

the 11th Nov[em]b[er]. [1]900.

Dear Sir,

I am editing a sociological review having among its purposes to treat social problems from the point of view of natural science and chiefly of the evolution-theory; farther to make acquainted in our country the most excellent foreign writers on these topics.

In the next number of this [2] periodical entitled Huszadik Század (Twentieth Century) your scientific and social studies will be reviewed and I would be very glad, if you would kindly allow me to illustrate the criticism by a specimen from the book.

Most gladly I would translate the brilliant essay on Human Progress: Past and Future.

Truly yours | Dr. Felix Somló

The document bears a British Museum stamp and is annotated by Wallace 'Answ[ere]d' across the top left-hand corner.

Please cite as “WCP2143,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2143