
Letter (WCP2224.2114)


[Trinity College Cambridge]

April 8. [1869]1

My dear Sir

It has occurred to me that we might adopt a plan by which we could secure certain points of contact and comparison, which obeying the directions of the council to set long papers: viz: by marking with asterisks a few of the most important questions and requesting the boys to on no account to omit answering those questions to [2] the best of their ability, selecting from the others such as they could answer best.

Very truly yours | W. G. Clark [signature]


"1869" is written in ARW's hand in blue crayon at the upper right-hand corner of page 1.
Several pen annotations are added in ARW's hand on the lower half of page 3:
"28½ 552.10
9000 1105
2520 1657.10
1050 675
1470 £ 2332.10 1st. mo[n]t[h].
1400 60




78750 45
39350 45
202 225
595 180

Please cite as “WCP2224,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2224