
Letter (WCP2292.2182)



Nov 26/[18]72

Dear Mr Wallace

By all means use my name & send my card to Mueller.3 Entre nous, do not forget the Baron Von — he is as vain as peacock. —

I shall be glad to hear if you succeed with any of the Australian alpines. We have failed with [2] them uniformly & even with the Tasmanians of 4000 — 5000 ft.!. I have had them put out of all ages, 1 — 6 year old plants, w by hundreds — none has stood 2 years without protection. The late frosts of spring are worse enemies than the ordinary winter cold.

Among [1 illeg. word] of all the many green trees I have tried, the only [3]4 one that has lived is a hot[?]5 Adelaide one. It has been twice shifted, & twice cut to the ground by frost — but is still alive!. It is the damp cold with[?] a[?] cold soil that these things do not like.

So too of New Zealand things, but one has succeeded in the open air, Pittosporum tenuifolium;6 all the rest are killed off. I am now shy of [4] trying them, as when the public sees a plant sick or misses it, it is attributed to bad cultivation at once!

I was glad to see you at the Linnean, the only place now where I foregather with friends.

Ever y[ou]r | J. D. Hooker7,8 [signature]

The letter is written on mourning (i.e. black-edged) paper.
Annotated in pencil in an unknown hand in the top right corner "258".
Mueller, Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von (1825 -1896). German born botanist. Director of the Melbourne, Australia, botanic gardens, government botanist and founder of the National Herbarium of Victoria, Australia.
Annotated in pencil in an unknown hand in the top right corner "259".
"hot"[?] has been circled in pencil.
" Pittosporum tenuifolium" has been circled in pencil.
Hooker, Joseph Dalton (1817 — 1911) British botanists and explorer. Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew 1865 -1885, in succession to his father, William Jackson Hooker.
There is a British Museum stamp (the image in red ink of a crown between the words "British Museum") below the signature.

Please cite as “WCP2292,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 26 July 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2292