
Letter (WCP2351.2241)


Dear Sir

With the greatest pleasure I will collect seeds for you the next season. Though I could sew you the seeds of all our plants of the [proximity?]2 right away, I prefer to collect fresh ones for you, as my collection is presently very old. From your table II Part III Chap[ter] XV it appears that you are not familiar with the monograph of North american bats by Dr Cones3 published in 1875 in the Rep[ort]. of Wheelers Expedition 1871-74. The genus Scotophilus4 of Leach is here synonym with Vespertilio and of the genus only 5 species (North american) are admitted and there are distributed in 4 subgenera. Verperus : molars 4-4 / 5-5 Verperngo 5-5 / 5-5 Verperoides 5-5 / 6-6 and Verpertitio 6-6 / 6-6

Vespertilio (Verperur) Jusour Beaur = Scotophitur furcur Allen = Scotopheur carolinearis Allen = Verp. carolinearis G. St Hill. = Verp. euruiatur Say Verp. urinur Tennn.

V. (verprerugo) glorgienur Cuv. = Scolophilur georgenur Allen

V. (verprerugs) hesperus Coxer = Scotophatur herpeur Allen

V. (verprerides) northivagans Lel. = Scotophatur northevagurt Allen = Verp. Anduboni Harlan = Verp. pulserulantus Tenim.

V. subulatus Say the most common.

Nyotioyns var lariurus are according to lower subgenera of a genus Malapha Ref. Nyetivepis : molar 4-4 / 5-5 Curteurier 5-5 / 5-5 [2]

Nyetivepis crepurouleris Allen

Larinrur noveborarenris Tonner Allen

Larinrur intermedirer Allen

Larinrur einerius Allen Scotophitur pruintorur Gray = Nyotiripus prninorur Tonner = Vespertitis prinorur Say = Verpitilio cipereur Beaur

Synotur marrotir Allen and Synotur townsendis Allen are both [ideutit]5 north Corynorhinur macrotius Allen the name are Tynotus Lerontiniant Townsendi " of Wagner. The range of Autroyour prallilus is from Breg to Cap[e] Lucas and to New Mexico and Texas.

So Cones admits only eleven Vespertilionidae. The reduction I consider to be a progress of science.

Perhaps a list of the vertebrates in the vicinity of Peoria observed by myself might be desirable to you. I will send you an article which I have written in 1869 on the requests of the author of a history of Peoria the late Dr Ballaure.

Faithfully yours6 | Fred Brendel [signature]

Peoria M March 13 [18]77

D. Brendel "Geog[raphical]. Dist[ributio]n & Seeds. Subsequent page number in the top right-hand side of he page": "372"
proximity ?
Unsure of gentlemans name Cones? (based more on a further mention later in this letter) -Dr or Sir?
In general the scientific names are difficult to transcribe
Unsure of what is written
British Museum stamp underneath.

Please cite as “WCP2351,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 April 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2351