
Letter (WCP2488.2378)





Alfred Russell [sic] Wallace Esq.

Jan. 7. [19]11

Dear Sir.

Twelve months ago you very kindly signed your worked upon the "Malay Archipelago" for me. I am now under the spell of your latest book "The World of Life" — to my mind the crowning glory of your life's work.

Many disturbed minds will be steadied and helped by your chapters "proof of organising mind" etc — here especially [2] you have rendered great service to humanity. I may never hope to have the honour of meeting you, but I wish you with all my heart

Many Happy Returns of the day.

I am dear Sir | Yours faithfully | Arthur Twidle [signature]


Some time ago I had from Mr James the naturalist of Museum St. an extraordinary specimen (imperfect) of [3] — a Lunar Moth taken in S.E. Madagascar. It measures 9½" over all, the tails are 6½" in length x 1/8" in Width. I was told it was quite unique. I have not seen another specimen anywhere. I know the Chinese variety etc but the one I possess is larger & quite distinct — herewith is a rough note of it actual size. If it is new to you I should have much pleasure in sending it down for you to see.

Enclosure (WCP2488.5351)


[Photograph of a man holding a case of butterflies]


[Photograph of the same man, holding an artist's palette and paintbrush, standing a before an oil painting]

Enclosure (WCP2488.5352)


taken at


S.E. Madagascar

[Drawing of a long-tailed butterfly. The following notes surround the artwork:]

Ground colour of body & of wings & tips of tail y.Ochre.

membrane of wing Green.

markings Indian Red.

Indian Red Markings [with arrow pointing to forewing]

Indian Red edged with black [with arrow pointing to apex of hindwing]



Please cite as “WCP2488,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2488