
Letter (WCP2503.2393)

[1]1, 2,

Telephone 9208 9 Gerrard.

Savile Club,

107 Piccadilly, W.

2 April. 1912.


The British Ornithologists' Union recently celebrated its Jubilee by sending a scientific expedition to Dutch New Guinea, and the Committee of the expedition fund invited me to write the official account of the expedition, of which I was a member. The account is now very nearly finished and will shortly be published in a book by Mssrs Smith. [1 word illeg.] & Co.

My reason for writing now to you is [2] to ask you if you will do me the honour of allowing me to inscribe this book to you as an Honorary Member of the B[ritish]. O[rni]th[ologists]. and as the pioneer of all the naturalists in New Guinea, to whom we all owe so great a debt.

Hoping you will be so kind as to agree to my suggestion

I remain | yours very truly | Alexander F. R. Wollaston3 [signature].

Accepted is written in the upper left hand corner.
232 is written in the upper right hand corner.

Please cite as “WCP2503,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 5 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2503