
Letter (WCP2510.2400)

[1]1, 2

S. Parkfield Road


Oct[ober]. 10. 12.

Dear Sir,

Under separate cover I am sending a copy of "The Yorkshire Observer" containing the first of a series of articles of mine on the "Problem of Life", in the hope you may think them worthy of perusal. I also take the liberty of enclosing here — with M.S. of the remaining articles that are to appear in the course of [2] this month.

The object I had in view in writing them was to expose the fallacy of the materialistic theory of life. To do this the more effectively, I have conceded to matter all — and I believe a good deal more — than the most self-confident materialist could claim on its behalf. I trust that, notwithstanding this, I have succeeded in showing the utter [3] hopelessness of that theory of life.

I trust that you will think it but natural that a writer on such a subject should like to hear a general expression on its the merits of his arguments from the veteran authority on it, & that you will allow this to stand as my excuse for this intruding on your privacy.

With apologies for [4] my liberty I have the honour to subscribe myself

Yours very truly | I. Singer3[signature]

Dr. Alfred R. Wallace

P.S. "Iergins[?] Limgait[?]" is metonym for "Ignatius' Prinper."

Answered is written in the upper left hand corner.
A faint and thus illegible word is written above the address in pencil.
To the right of the signature is a stamp depicting a crown circled by the words "British Museum".

Please cite as “WCP2510,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2510