
Letter (WCP2511.2401)


Illinois Audubon Society for the Protection of Wild Birds

Ruthven Deane. Presiden

112 West Adams Street

Chicago. Ill[inois].

Oct[ober]. 14. [19]'12.

Prof. Alfred R. Wallace

Dorset, England.

My dear Sir,

I have many of your books and have always been an ardent admirer of them, and never tire re-reading them. I spend much time in extra illustrating many of my books, and inserting an autograph letter of the author and often times a likeness. Would it be asking too much to send me a short letter which I could insert in my 1878 [2] Edition of "Tropical Nature"? I would appreciate it highly. I have just had sent to me a likeness of yourself, an excellent picture I should judge, which appeared in "Nature" for June 13. [19]'12. This I shall insert in this copy, and with an autograph letter it would be perfect. Do you a bookplate in your library? I have an interesting collection of some L800[?].

Trusting you could understand the liberty I take in making this request, I am

Very sincerely yours | Ruthven Deane.2[signature]

Fellow Au[dubo]n.[?] Ornithologists Union

Ans[wer]ed. is written in the upper left hand corner.
To the right of the signature is a stamp depicting a crown circled by the words "British Museum".

Please cite as “WCP2511,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2511