
Letter (WCP2523.2413)




17 October 1913.

Dear Dr Wallace,

I heartily appreciate your kindness in writing to me about my B.A. Address, of which I believe I sent you a copy. I had no idea that I was using an illustration which you had already employed. There is often a good deal of this similarity of idea, which is not real plagiarism, and I am sure you would not for a moment think so. It is to me always interesting when the [2] same notion occurs to several minds who have arrived at it from somewhat different points of view.

I have pleasure in sending you, under separate cover, a copy of my Romanes Lecture at Oxford in 1903.

I have, as everyone has, a great admiration for your life and work. But I do not remember ever having seen your volume "The World of Life". I shall refer to it, and to the passage you indicate.

Meanwhile I thank you for writing, and am | Cordially & faithfully yours | Oliver J. Lodge [signature]2

Written at the top left of the page is "Answ[ere]d [a]bout Lee's discovery".
British Museum stamp to right hand side of signature.

Please cite as “WCP2523,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2523