
Letter (WCP2590.2480)



Octubre 25 de 1892

Mr Alfredo Rusell Wallace.

Apreciable y distinguido Señor: Perdonadine si por un instante des vio vuestra atencion de los servicios estudios que preocuparan vuestra ocupada mente, pero el dolor moral mas profundo es el que me hostiga a molestaros, pues acabo de perder á mi muy amado hijo mayor, de 27 airos de edad, despues de sufrir tres meses justos un tifus cerebral, y como ningun retrato reciente me ha quedado de él, desearía que, en vuestra bondad, os interesarais á ver si lograbais consequirme una fotografía media mímica de su querida imágen, [2] vos, que disponeis de tan escelentes mediums, y por si os dignais hacerme el honor de evocarlo os diré que en esta vida llevó el nombre de Luis Antonini y Sarría. Si se os presentara veriais que cara tan bondadosa, inteligente y espresiva tenía! Por él tiene la dicha de leer vuestra interesante obrita titulada “Defensa del Espiritismo” y conocer vuestro ilustre nombre, así como el de Crookes, Pezzani; Flammarion y otros. Desde que principió á pensar, que fué siendo aun muy niño, no se acupó mas que en la lectura de abras científicas y filosóficas, sóbre todas de aquellas que trataban del alma y su porvenir despues de la muerte, como si presintiera su corto tránsito por este triste mundo. El tal vez me ha inspi- [3] -rado la lunimosa idea de dirigirme á voz; ¿series tan bueno que es digneis servir á esta pobre madre y complacerla en lo que cabe? Si sois padre sabreis cuanto se aman los hijos y comprendereis mejor me dolor.

Señor, dispensadine, pero quedo esperando vuestra respuesta; acordaos que aqui padece el dolorido corazon de una amiante madre que supre la ausencia de la hijo idolatrado; no demoreis su fotografia si llegais a obtenerla; llevareis á cabo realizar una obra de misericordia contribugendo en parte á mitigar el profundo desconsuelo de esta pobre muger [sic], que ahora y siempre ha buscado el letivo de sus penas en lo Deseonocido; que os bendeeirá eternamente, puesto que sois de los que habeis ayundado [4] á abrirse paso á la luz, y que sera siempre vuestra admiradora y hermana en creencias y G. V. M.

Y. S. de Antonini [signature]

Para lo que gusteis mandar nuestra direccion es:

S[eñ]or. I. Adolfo Antonini.

Caspe 32 Bis. 3°.



Aunque vivo en Barcelona, soy natural de América, pertenezeo á la hermosa Isla de Cuba y mis hijos tambien, y aunque no debiamos de ser esclusivistas, no puedo menos que amar y recordar tierramente aquel rincon de tierra donde se deslizaron los años mas felices y lo ellos de mi vida, y deciros de que tierra procedemos.

Si algun gasto os origino servios decirmelo y os lo abonaré immediatamente.




October 25th, 1892

Mr Alfred Rusell Wallace.

Dear and distinguished Sir: Forgive me if for a moment I turned your attention to the service studies that concern your busy mind, but the deepest moral pain is the one that harasses me to bother you, because I just lost my much loved eldest son, 27 years old, after suffering just three months from cerebral typhus, and as no recent portrait of him has remained, I wish that, in your kindness, you would be interested to see if you could manage to get me a half-mimic photograph of his beloved image [2] you, who have such excellent mediums, and in case you would to do me the honour of evoking him, I will tell you that in this life he was named after Luis Antonini y Sarría1. If he were to show you, you would see what a kind, intelligent and expressive face he had! For him, he was happy to read your interesting work entitled "Defense of Spiritism"2 and to know your illustrious name, as well as Crookes3, Pezzani4; Flammarion5 and others. Since he began to think, that he was still a very young boy, he only acted in the reading of scientific and philosophical openings, above all those that dealt with the soul and its future after death, as if he sensed his short transit through this sad world. Maybe he was [3] inspired by the lunimous idea of ​​speaking to himself; Something so good that it is worthy to serve this poor mother and please her as much as possible? If you are a father you will know how much the children love each other and you will understand better my pain.

Sir, dispense, but I'm waiting for your answer; remember that here suffers the aching heart of a loving mother who overcomes the absence of her idolized son; do not delay his photograph if you manage to obtain it; you will carry out a work of mercy, contributing in part to mitigate the deep grief of this poor woman [sic], who now and always has sought the relieve of her sorrows in the Unknown; who will bless you eternally, since you are one of those who have fasted [4] to make your way into the light, and who will always be your admirer and sister in belief and G. V. M.

Y. S. de Antonini [signature]

For whatever you wish to send our address is:

Mr. I. Adolfo Antonini.6

Caspe 32 Bis. 3rd.



Although I live in Barcelona, ​​I am a native of America, I belong to the beautiful Island of Cuba and my children too, and although we should not have been exclusive, I can not but love and remember that land corner where the happiest years of my life occurred, and tell you what land we come from. If you incur any expenses, please tell me and I will pay you immediately.

Neighborhood in Barcelona.

Refers to an article written by Wallace and published in two parts:

Wallace, A. R. 1874. A Defence of Modern Spiritualism. Fortnightly Review, New Series, volume 15: pp. 630-657

Wallace, A. R. 1874. A Defence of Modern Spiritualism. Part II. Spirit-photographs. Fortnightly Review, New Series, volume 15: pp. 785-807

Crookes, Sir William (1832-1919). British chemist and physicist who became interested in spiritualsim in 1860s, eventually becoming the president of the Society of Psychical Research.
Pezzani, André (1818-1877). Author with interests in philosophy, spiritualism and Darwinism.
Flammarian, Nicolas Camille, FRAS (1842-1925). French astonomer and author.
Antonini, I. Adolfo. Author of letter [biography unknown].

Please cite as “WCP2590,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 April 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2590