
Letter (WCP2599.2489)


Fairmount Ave


Cincinnati Ohio.

Aug[ust] 31st 1893,

Alfred R Wallace L. S. D.[?]

Dear Sir,

Permit me to thank you for your very valuable paper read at the Psychical Congress2, held at Chicago last week.

This is a great service to the Cause of Spiritualism you have rendered in writing this paper. It is honest, manly. — A piece [2]3 of work equal to any you have ever done, & that is saying a great deal. I wish you long life & happiness.

I have been a public speaker in the Trance State for 18 years. The idea of "a Subconscious Ego". speaking through me[.] I have found that a scientist can make an ass of himself as readily as any other man.

Yours sincerely | J Clegg Wright [signature]

"J. Clegg Wright" is written in pencil at top centre of the page.
Notes on the Growth of Opinion as to Obscure Psychical Phenomena During the Last Fifty Years. A short essay ARW communicated to the Psychical Congress held in Chicago in August 1893. This paper became one of ARW's most reprinted works during his own lifetime, and was later integrated into the Preface of the third edition of Miracles and Modern Spiritualism in 1896.
Page numbered 270 in pencil in top RH corner and numbered "2" by the author at top centre of page.

Please cite as “WCP2599,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 22 October 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2599