
Letter (WCP2607.2497)


Oak Tree House

South Norwood Hill

London, S. E.


Dear Mr. Wallace

Thank you for your most friendly note. You, with your eyes & brain & love turned to your flowers, on the one hand, & your poor struggling brethren, on the other, naturally feel drawn to social questions. I, with my mind & heart (socially & politically interested too) often [2] touched by the need of faith in the unseen & 'warring of belief['], see the need for urgent duty of bearing testimony in this matter. London immensely needs it. What you say about a lecture influencing only a few hundreds is surely not well considered. Your lecture, for instance, would, through the press, reach scores of thousands. I think the Daily Chron[icle]3. w[oul]d. report a good deal of it. Hundreds of thousands might read it[.] Gerald Massey4 would do well for another phase — Spiritualism & poetry, & I sh[oul]d. [3]5 like him worked in.

I feel rather "called" to arrange this matter if I can, as it seems clear to me that it must result in good, & only good.

Heartily yours | J Page Hopps6 [signature]


Page numbered 295 in pencil in top RH corner. Letter heading in top LH corner as follows:


Edited by J. PAGE HOPPS.

Monthly. Threepence.


Year deduced from birth and death dates of author.
British newspaper published in London from 1872 to 1930, when it merged with the Daily News to become the News Chronicle.
Massey, Gerald (1828-1907). English poet and writer on Spiritualism and Ancient Egypt.
Page numbered 296 in pencil in top RH corner.
British Museum stamp underneath
On blank page 4, ARW has drafted out a list in pencil, headed "Articles to determine measure of value" under the headings Food, Clothing, House and Firing. It does not appear to have any bearing on the contents of the letter.

Please cite as “WCP2607,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 27 April 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2607