
Letter (WCP2718.2608)



73. Thorney Hedge Road,


London, W.

December 25th, [19]03

Alfred R. Wallace, Esq.

Dear Sir

The manager of the "Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger" regrets very much that your very interesting paper arrived too late for insertion in their Christmas number. He asked me therefore to return it to you with his best thanks and compliments.

May I add that personally [2] I have read your paper with the keenest interest and sympathy. I should be happy to see it published in Germany, but feat there will not be many German newspapers that would dare to publish it in their columns. If I may give my opinion I should say that the "Frankfurter Zeitung" or the "Neue Frei Press" or a prominent socialist paper [3] like the "Vorwaerts" would be the most likely ones to give it publicity. But of course I must beg you to kindly treat this as confidential.

I wish there were more great men who thought and spoke like you. But as far as my limited knowledge goes the tendency seems to be all the other way, and I expect to see nothing [4] but a rapid growth of injustice, intolerance, oppression and a recrudescence of barbarous instincts[?] during my life-time.

Neo[illeg.]elc I think it the duty of the few enlightened leaders to hold high their ideals against the rising tide of mediaevalism, and that is why I should hear with joy the calrion sound of your noble words ring in the new year.

With apologies for these personal remarks I remain, dear sir | Yours faithfully | Carl Hans Wolf Stielow [signature]

1 Enclo[sure]

Please cite as “WCP2718,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2718