
Letter (WCP2720.2610)


National Liberal Club

Political and Economic Circle,

Whitehall Place,London,


29th. July 1904

My dear Dr Wallace,

It seems an age since we have met or been in communication but now I have a request to make on behalf of our Circle which I hope you will able to grant.

We have resolved that, at our next dinner, in October, [2] the Land Question shall be discussed, and we want you to write a paper as the basis of debate. Our usage is to print the paper to be discussed and circulate it among those to be present at the dinner a few days before that event, so as to give time to master it and argue[?] upon it. On the evening of the Dinner it is taken as read, thus offering more time for discussion. At the close of the discussion, we should ask you to [3] say a few words in reply; but this is all you need to do in the way of speaking.

I think I may fairly say that this would be a most important debate. My friend Mr Franklin Thomasson would probably take the chair. We send the paper confidentially to the press before the evening. We must try to make public property in land part of the New Liberal Programme.

If you would like to stay in the Club over night, I could arrange this, [4] or I would be glad to take you home with me.

Believe me to be | My dear Dr. Wallace | Always sincerely yours | J.A. Lewis [signature]1 | Chairman

Dr. A. R. Wallace

P.S. I am enclosing you our last paper, and a little book of mine.

British Museum stamp underneath.

Please cite as “WCP2720,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2720