
Letter (WCP2772.2662)


Illinois Audubon Society

Ruthven Dean, President,

30 Michigan Avenue, Chicago

Miss Mary Drummond, Sec'y and Treas.

Wheaton, Illinois

10 June 1899

Prof Alfred Russell [sic] Wallace

My Dear Sir

It [2 words illeg.] a sense of unusual pleasure when I received your kind letter of May 28th, and the two likenesses of yourself. I thank you most sincerely for your courtesy in complying with my request and I shall value them more than I can now express.


I have always taken so much pleasure in reading your many delightful books and always learning something new on almost every page, that it is a great pleasure to now receive a letter from their author.

While I had read your "Tropical Nature" I had never succeeded in finding the first Edition until somewhat recently, when attending a book auction in Boston, Mass, and I now <am> [3] very glad to secure it.

I have read and reread your interesting little vol. on your Amazon trip of 1848. I have never found the original Ed. of 1853 but a later one of some 36 years. Of course Henry Walter Bates "Naturalist on the Amazon" stands next to yours on my shelf, and is likewise full of interest. I am taking great satisfaction in "dressing up" my books, that is, prefacing them with a likeness, and if possible, an autograph letter [4] by the author. I wonder if you could find out where I might possibly secure an autograph letter of Bates and also Darwin, I hardly know where to <seek>. I have most interesting letters of Audubon, kindly presented to me by his granddaughter also one of Thos. Nuttall, introducing Dr. Asa Gray, then 99 years of age, to a gentleman in the Southern states. This was in 1839, just on the eve of his journey across to the Pacific with Townsend. Please [5] pardon this long letter. When one is enthusiastic on his subject, he does not always know just when to stop.

I am, Dear Sir, | Respectfully Yrs,

Ruthven Dean [signature]

Please cite as “WCP2772,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2772