
Letter (WCP2835.2725)


Königliches Zoologisches und Anthropologisch- Ethnographisches Museum

Dresden, A. Zwinger1

Aug 9 1904

A. R. Wallace Esq.

Parkhome [?]

Dear Dr Wallace,

Have you perhaps coloured copies of the 20 plates in your "geographical distribution (1876) which you could lend me or let me have for the purpose to exhibition them in the Dresden Museum? I have recently installed plausible presentations of New Zealand, Australia, [1 word illeg.], Borneo, Africa, Madagascar, South America, Europe, Desert & Arctic animals which to put side by side your plates in colour. You are aware that Museums are rapidly backward [?] with lush exhibitions. I read [?] only of the entirely unfiguated [?] in Cambridge Glass, should you yourself described years ago, and of a little bit of in the Dublin Museum. [2] If you have not to have that [1 word illeg.] you could perhaps, through the Dublin thus procure me large copies of the 20 plates that I may have the hand colouring done there. That I presume you have the originals of the article.

I shall have printed your name with title of book on each of the plates that a single work on Geographical Distribution written times Hose [?] 28 years can [1 word illeg.] yours from [1 word illeg.]!

I would be extremely obliged to you if you could kindly help me. My arraignments serve today entirely guided by your book and "Island Life"

Hoping that you are in satisfactory health I remain

Yours sincerely | A. D. Meyer[signature]

P.S. I first see that of I possess letters from you of the year 1867.

Printed letter head.

Please cite as “WCP2835,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 2 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2835