
Letter (WCP2853.2743)


Aug[ust] 1 1906

Dear Dr Wallace

There is no Escallonia in North America, although there are organ mountains.

E. organensis, Gardn, in Hook. &c Pl. t. 514, is a native of the organ Mts, Brazil, having been found there near the summit. See Gardners' Travels ed. 2. p. 403. It was formerly in cultivation in the Temperate House [2] but has disappeared.

With regard to Spruce's letters. It is against the rules to lend them out, but the Director would give every facility for copying them.

I may tell you they are very numerous, upwards of 100 to Mr Atultran and very diffuse, containing much that is not worth reproducing; but only the Editor could decide what to print. I will [3] endeavour to get an estimate of what it w[oul]d cost to copy them.

As you are doubtless aware, many contracts were published in Hooker's Journals. I find reference to nearly forty places. Of course these w[oul]d be the most interesting parts. Sifting the other would be a heavy task.

Yours truly | W. Botting Hemsley [signature]

Page 1 is numbered page 184 by the repository. Every second subsequent page has a consecutive handwritten number written in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Please cite as “WCP2853,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2853