
Letter (WCP2854.2744)


129 Berkeley Place

Brooklyn, New York

Aug[ust] 24th 1906

Alfred Russel Wallace Esq.


Old Orchard, Broadstone

Wimborne, Dorset.

Dear Sir,

As the physical law of the radiation of heat from hotter to colder bodies, involves an equalization of temperature throughout the universe as a consummation, and as an infinite time has elapsed this equalization must have already been attained. But the fact that the universe is not now of uniform [2] temperature affords, it seems to me, absolute proof that it has been rejuvenated by periodic re-distributions of existent but diffused heat, or by the only other alternative, periodic creations of heat. This requires an Adequate Power to effect such a re-distribution or such creation, and the existence of an Entity, other than matter and motion, must necessarily follow, and thus becomes a demonstrated fact. Periodic creations of high temperature heat however, would require periodic annihilations of low temperature or diffused heat, for otherwise the action would [3] be cumulative, and the universe would now contain a greater than any assignable quantity of heat, which it certainly does not, as this earth might be hotter than it is. But creations and annihilations as an hypothesis offends Newton's first rule of Philosophy — Simplicity of Conception — and of two hypotheses, one of which must be true, that one which is less involved should be chosen. It would seem necessary therefore, to fall back on periodic re-distribution of existent but diffused heat.

As the argument contained in the enclosed pamphlet is based solely upon a physical phenomenon it is for science to pass on it. I venture [4] therefore to address you, and trespass on your time, by asking you to favour me with an expression of your views, as to whether my argument would hold, or can be refuted, the importance of the subject being my excuse.

Thanking you in advance | I remain| Yours very truly | Joseph P. Smithers [signature]2

Written diagonally in a different hand "Received Sept[ember] 3rd"
British Museum stamp.

Please cite as “WCP2854,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2854