
Letter (WCP2856.2746)


Oct[ober]. 26 1906

Dear Dr. Wallace

Herewith some particulars of Spruce's1 correspondence, which the Director would willingly permit to be copied, and I think there would be no difficulty in getting a typist to do it, although it would have to be done in the library. I estimate that the letters average four closely written pages of this size. [2]

My colleague, Mr. Massie,[?]2 who had the whole of the mss. in his hands at one time, says it was impossible to lose it, because there was enough (including meteorological tables, etc.) to fill a case a cubic yard in capacity.

Perhaps you will write again when you have examined the list

Yours truly | W. Botting Hemsley [signature]3

Spruce, Richard (1817-1893). English botanist and explorer.
British Museum stamp.

Please cite as “WCP2856,” in Beccaloni, G. W. (ed.), Ɛpsilon: The Alfred Russel Wallace Collection accessed on 3 May 2024, https://epsilon.ac.uk/view/wallace/letters/WCP2856